Billie Dunn May Sue 'Body Language Expert'
The 13-year-old girl was last seen at her Colorado City home last December.
Peter Hyatt, who hosts an internet radio show, said this week: "I believe Billie Jean Dunn caught her daughter, Hailey, in a sexual act with Shawn Adkins and tempers exploded resulting in injury and eventual death to Hailey."
Adkins is Billie Dunn's former live-in boyfriend and a suspect in the case.
"He's absolutely horrible at what he does and he's no good at his job, because everything he's ever said has been a lie," Dunn said.
Dunn's lawyer, John Young, called Hyatt's words outlandish.
"(He said things) that only a fool would say, but certainly things that may, if I have my way, land this fellow in a court in Mitchell County, Texas," Young said.
A decision on whether or not to take Hyatt to court has not yet been made.
There have been few clues as to what happened to Hailey, and law enforcement has remained tight-lipped about the case.
Body language expert?
My theory on what happened to Hailey Dunn is apparently what struck a nerve.
Would Dunn and her attorney also consider suing Hailey's own grandmother?
Hailey's grandmother told the national TV Show, "The Nancy Grace Show" a similar scenario.
Here it is the article that may be too close for comfort:
I have asked others, "How did Hailey die?" and have received many intelligent, well thought out answers.
Many people initially felt that Shawn Adkins killed her and Billie Dunn covered for him but as time went on, more people felt that Billie Dunn was far more involved than in just the cover up.
To date, I have withheld my opinion on how she died, choosing, instead, to continue analysis of statements, as well as listening to the theories of others. Given the drugs, violence, child pornography, and neglect issues that have surrounded this case, I have a theory on what I believe happened to Hailey Dunn. It is only a theory. It will change if information comes out that causes the change, as I remain flexible.
On December 28th, 2010, Hailey Dunn, 13, was reported missing and hasn't been seen since.
Her mother appeared on The Nancy Grace Show in early January.
Statement Analysis has shown:
1. That Hailey Dunn is deceased.
2. That both mother, Billie Jean Dunn, and mother's boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, are involved in her death.
This we saw (1) by the mother's references to Hailey in the past tense; something an innocent mother of a missing child is unable to do. We then saw (2) deception by both mother and boyfriend, with mother doing most of the talking, indicating most of the deception.
Can we know, however, from analysis, how she died? What can Statement Analysis indicate about what may have happened to her prior to having been reported missing?
We can know that someone is deceptive, and often surmise why deception is necessary. Here, we have indicators of sensitivity that, when coupled with evidence, can suggest what may have happened to Hailey. When someone is deceptive, someone needs to be deceptive. This need is highlighted by investigators.
This entry is what I believe happened to Hailey Dunn, 13, of Colorado City, Texas.
My theory is based mostly upon language (the linguistic indicators) and upon the evidence that has come to light through the release of police affidavits, failed polygraphs, and general behavioral analysis of the two Persons of Interest.
In Billie Dunn's press conference, she indicated sensitivity about December 26 and December 28th. In her Nancy Grace interview, we saw that she withheld information about the 27th, which we later learned was her drug purchase. We saw that she was, specifically, deceptive about her "hobby"
On Christmas, Hailey was with her father, Clint Dunn, who remains married to Hailey's mother, although he lives with a girlfriend of whom he has a child with. She appeared to have some closeness with aunts and her paternal grandmother, Connie. Initially, Billie Dunn attempted to implicate Clint, and then later made it a runaway case, and later still a stranger abduction. Once, she portrayed a "mystery" man (a relative of Clint's) as the guilty party.
On December 26th, Billie Dunn made Christmas dinner for herself, her boyfriend, Shawn, Hailey, and her 16 year old son from a previous relationship, David.
Statement Analysis of her description of the day shows acute tension in the home. The mother went overboard to describe it as 'normal' which is an indication that it was anything but a peaceful 'normal' day.
That night, David left at around 9PM, even though his mother had earlier reported that he left at dinner hour. He said that Hailey was playing a video game at 9PM and judging by her skill level, would likely be at it, if uninterrupted, until midnight. (Statement Analysis showed that at 9PM, Billie was deliberately withholding information about this time frame)
There was, however, a likely interruption to her video game playing and it happened within an hour or less.
10PM Linguistic indicator.
In domestic homicides, the time of death is often located in the statement at the point where the alleged perp says 'good bye' or 'good night' to the victim. Why is this?
Greetings are important in Statement Analysis.
When a subject writes, "I woke up and said 'good morning' to my husband..." it is unusually indicative of a poor relationship. Why?
Most everyone greets their spouse in the morning, but it is when a spouse feels that it is important enough to add to a statement means it is sensitive. It is often used when a subject wishes to persuade rather than report, and wants the interviewer to believe that they have a good relationship. People in good relationships don't feel the need to persuade. Statement Analysis takes note of both greetings and departures.
On one homicide investigation, I instructed them to listen carefully to the alleged suspect to see if he gives a time of departure from the victim. He said, "so, at 9 o'clock, I said 'see ya, babe' and left."
I told them that this likely the time of death, as to the suspect, it is important enough for him to tell investigators what he said to her. It may appear unimportant to us, but to the guilty, the time of departing is critical.
Statement Analysis: If the information is unnecessary, it is to be deemed 'doubly important' in analysis.
Billie Jean said that she said "good night" to Hailey around 10PM. This is likely the general time that she died (this is an estimate; however the specific time, "10PM" is vital, as it entered into the subject's language. If it is not an exact time of death, it will likely be close, and could be, perhaps, the time when trouble began. What started as a tense, tough day, grew much worse, beginning, perhaps, at 10PM, or about 1 hour after David left.
I believe Billie Jean Dunn caught her daughter, Hailey, in a sexual act with Shawn Adkins and tempers exploded resulting in injury and eventual death to Hailey.
Note the wording: that she caught "Hailey" in a sexual act with Shawn, not the other way around: this would be where Billie blames Hailey, more than Shawn.
We now take a parenthetical view of this scenario.
1. February 2010 Billie Dunn reported to police that Shawn had threatened her life, whereas police spoke to him and he affirmed threatening Billie but added that he threatened Hailey, as well.
He threatened Hailey, but not David. This is significant that he did not target David, though I do not know why. He had threatened Clint, a self-trained martial artist, but not the younger David, who was only 15 at the time.
2. How Shawn Adkins described and interacted Hailey:
a. Sexual Description
"Promiscuous", and "boy crazy" were two terms he used.
By calling her "promiscuous", he may sound mature, but when he says "boy crazy", was he expressing jealousy? It may be as he later told the press how he loved her, using terminology more suited for boyfriend/girlfriend than it did for what was more in the role of step father/step daughter.
Shawn Adkins, by calling Hailey "promiscuous" is blaming her for their sexual activity.
We also know that Shawn Adkins was sexually aroused by child pornography and S&M videos, and was fascinated by murders.
b. Immaturity.
Pedophiles are stunted in their maturity and often say things that seem 'sensible' to them, but shocking to the public; such as 'the child was asking for it' or 'did you see the way she walked?' or 'she was deliberately sitting on my lap' (these are sentences adult males have said about children, under the age of 10; some have even described toddlers as 'flirtatious')
Billie Dunn described him as "MHMR" or "mental health, mental retardation" which sounded more like a term she had heard at work that would be used to attempt to get 'disability' of one form or another for him, but highlights that she sees him as inferior to herself and as immature.
Adkins' immaturity is seen in his wearing, as a grown man, of masks to scare people. As previous analysis showed, he is a fearful individual who used mask wearing to scare others as a way to cover for his own fears and insecurity. It is not surprising that Billie Jean would be attracted to an immature man (he is about 8 years younger than she is, although this is also part of her self image issues) whom she can dominate, manipulate and control.
His immaturity was also seen in his description of his relationship with Hailey, describing "farting" around her, (the inclusion of bodily functions is a red flag for sexual abuse) which he thought would be amusing to the audience and show how 'close' they were, when actually it concerned many and highlighted his immaturity more than anything else.
c. His involvement with child pornography was a threat (and is) to the general public at large, but it is likely something he used to groom his victim with. Subtle exposure to pornography would desensitize Hailey into believing this material was 'normal' and not so shocking.
Hailey was likely given drugs by both Shawn Adkins and Billie Jean Dunn. He attempted to denigrate her to police after initially calling her a "good girl" by saying she was promiscuous and maybe into drugs.
Since Adkins was attracted to children, and he had moved in when Hailey was 11, it is likely that the pornography, alcohol, and drugs were shared with her, a little at a time, to desensitize her as she got older.
Drug User As a drug user, his soul would go 'cold' and depersonalized and he would view others in the same way, including taking Billie's cocaine that she bought for re-sale, and snorting it away. There is an inherent selfishness, or narcissism found in drug abusers, and lies are told to insulate the abuser from all responsibility. Drug abusers do some of the most inhumane things to those around them. Recall the mother who sold young Shaniya Davis (5) to her boyfriend, who was video taped carrying the young child through a hotel hallway, to rape her and then kill her for silence. Where this form of dehumanizing behavior exists, there is often drug use. The video of little Shaniya being carried to the elevator is one of the most blood chilling videos I've ever seen.
3. Billie Jean and Hailey
Billie Jean was acutely aware of her aging and likely had some form of cosmetic enhancement. She was once a stripper which meant that she knew that her appearance could be translated into money. Like all deceptive people, her image is of vital importance to her.
She likely viewed Hailey as a growing threat and competitor, rather than a daughter and caught "Hailey" having sex with Shawn, not that she caught "Shawn"; indicating a blaming of the female child instead of the male adult.
Billie Jean was no mother to her children. Her own immaturity was seen when she gave a 'home made tattoo' to her then 14 year old son, even while most 13 year old girls have more sense than that. When she described herself as a "great" mother, it was an indicator of just how sensitive this point is to her:
She knew Adkins was dangerous; so much so that she told the police, yet moved him in anyway. When a mother is suspected in the killing of her child, police look for behavioral indicators of a mother putting her own needs before the child. By having him move in shortly after the police were contacted, she was guilty of "Failure to Protect" in the ultimate manner. Drugs had ruined their lives in many ways, but in no way more than the neglect issues that accompany drug abuse.
She knew of Adkins' love of blood lust, the sickening videos that aroused him, and she even acted out in one of his home made pornographic movies, yet, the only time we saw her emotions rise is when she was asked about Adkins cheating on her: a most sensitive point to an aging stripper who no longer looks like she did 10 years prior.
She likely saw (or may have even allowed?) what went on between Adkins and her daughter. "everyone got everything they asked for for Christmas"...what was it Shawn wanted, and what was it he got?
a. birth control.
Nancy Grace was surprised that Billie Jean let the comment about birth control and such a young child go unchecked wondering (out loud) why a mother wouldn't immediately defend her child. Billie Dunn, deceptive, only acknowledged talking about birth control to Hailey.
b. In a skillful interview, the hosts of "Bring Them Home Now" did what the local media did not do: ask open-ended questions to Billie Dunn, and then allowed her to speak. In describing Hailey, she used the word "hormonal" and then said that Hailey would rather "kick" a boy than "kiss" one.
If your daughter had no interest in boys and was still at the "yuck!" or "cooties" stage (I dated myself), you wouldn't need to call her "hormonal" nor have reason to teach her or put her on birth control. This was a deceptive answer on Billie Dunn's part, and another indication that sexuality played a major role in this household and subsequently, in her death.
4. Billie Jean and appearance
She is a 33 year old woman acting like a sexually inappropriate teen, including her appearance (breast enhancement, clothing, stripping, burning tattoo, incredibly focused upon how people view her. She was reported to have been angered at the picture (below)
We know that drugs and immoral lifestyles in general do not age a man or a woman well. Deceptive people are very image conscious, as we saw with the constant self grooming of Casey Anthony (although the comments of her father certainly raise questions), or Scott Peterson, or Ted Bundy, or other sociopathic deceptive killers; they wish others to view them in only the highest ways. Drew Peterson still thinks women guards are attempting to flirt with him as he is transported from one cell to another. Image is acutely important to deceptive people. Why?
Because they see others as beneath them. They are deceptive (avoiding outright lies) and expect to get away with it as they hold others in contempt. This is why they often self-groom, or show other aspects of a highly superficial and shallow personality.
In Hailey's life, there was a sexualized mother, and there was a sexually deviant step-father figure, who was (and is) attracted to pre-pubescent children. As Hailey was being groomed for abuse by Adkins, he would have the support of her mother, perhaps, and could even say "look at this, Hailey! Even mom likes to pose!"
In both mother and her boyfriend, there was drugs. Drugs dehumanize its victims. There was alcohol, mixing with drugs.
In Hailey's life there was violence, viewed as enjoyment. All the blood-lust, killing movies, video and literature were present in her life. They would be used to groom her into compliance and where she resisted, drugs could be used to 'bring her along' in his quest for sexual activity with her, perhaps before she got too old.
On December 26th, 2010, at about 10PM, it may be that Billie Dunn walked in on Shawn Adkins and Hailey Dunn involved in some form of sexual activity. Please note that any sexual contact is statutory rape, whether Hailey seemed 'consensual' or not.
It may be that Billie exploded in anger, with Hailey, strong willed, even in spite of the influence of drugs or alcohol and threatened to tell authorities and Billie struck out at her.
In what may have been an unintentional assault, Hailey was either mortally wounded, or wounded so badly that Billie Dunn had Shawn help put away this scene; perhaps inflicting the final blow, or by causing her to breathe her last through ingestion of narcotics.
In whatever happened, analysis shows that they are both involved and have enough on each other to keep silent. This is going to make the investigators job difficult.
If Shawn attempted to tell police, Billie would tell them that he was a rapist and reveal all the child pornography.
If Billie attempted to tell police, Shawn would tell police that Billie physically assaulted Hailey, or that Billie allowed the sexual contact.
Several times, Billie Dunn told us that Shawn went to his job at 6AM, only to leave at 6:10AM, first, due to a conflict, and then to quit, and lastly, to turn in his things. The inconsistencies, she said, came from Shawn.
But what was consistent about her report?
The coveralls.
She could have said, "to drop off his stuff" or "clean out his locker" and nothing more, but she added, on several statements, about his "coveralls" and that they would be "washed" by the company.
Drug fueled sexual violence...even the maternal grandmother recognized the potential for this on The Nancy Grace Show when her instincts feared that Adkins had raped and killed Hailey under the threat of disclosure.
If while Hailey was being cleaned up or made ready for disposal (think Shawn describing killing of deer and his fascination with death, cruelty, and dismemberment) he wore his coveralls, it would make sense that this was in Billie Jean's thinking while giving the statement, therefore, it would leak out while she is speaking.
This is called "leakage", or, the unintentional offering of information not sought.
"So I drove home in my car." Here, we know the subject drove home, but we also are given unnecessary information: "in his car" is not necessary, therefore, doubly important (when he gave his statement, he was thinking about the stolen item he has hidden in his car but didn't realize that he was calling attention to his vehicle so that investigators would then search it).
Washing often enters statements where sexual abuse has taken place *(so does, coverings, blankets, towels, and doors opening/closing and lights turning on and off). In a sexual homicide, a guilty subject will often mention washing of hands, showering, bathing, laundry, etc as it is part of their thinking in relation to sexual assaults or abuse. In sexual homicides, the guilty will often include self washing (hands, showering) or a cleaning of the bedsheets. It is something we all do, but it does not enter statements often, so when it does, we often find a connection to sexual abuse.
I find a likely scenario that Hailey died in such a manner as to stitch both Shawn Adkins and Billie Dunn together in a way in which neither can get out blaming the other entirely.
This theory also holds up with post-crime behavior.
Q. Why would Billie Dunn host a New Year's Eve party?
A. She would use alcohol to soothe her nerves and a get-to-gether as a desperate attempt to restore normal life
Q. Why didn't she search?
A. She feared leading others to the body as she would have been watched carefully.
Q. Why didn't police name her as a suspect?
A. Because she was of more use without an attorney and they did not want her to stop talking?
Q. Why, then, did they name Adkins as a suspect?
A. In an attempt to split them; cause him to do what he had done before: blame her and talk.
When asked who they should be looking at, Adkins taunted them with "both of us" meaning himself and Billie Dunn. I think this was an attempt to gauge Billie Dunn's reaction: Would she turn away from him or stick closely to him.
She chose to stick with him, even to the point of lying to law enforcement.
Q. Why did Billie Dunn go to work the next day?
A. To attempt to maintain a normalcy for her alibi. This can be heard in her language, especially if you highlight the words "so, since, because" as she explains why she left her phone, for instance. She may have thought it sounded good, but it sounds like a juvenile and silly plan.
Q. Why did she and Shawn buy drugs on the 27th?
A. To quiet their blistering nerves for what task lay ahead of them: disposing/hiding the body. I believe that this was an extreme action and she went as far as to say they emptied both accounts of cash, spending their last dollars on drugs as they would need them to do to Hailey what was necessary in order for her body to not be found. The 'courage' would come from drugs.
Q. Who invented the plan to say she left to go to Marybeth's for a sleepover?
A. Linguistically, it appears to be Billie's and not Shawn's. When she goes into the story, she owns it until asked about a discrepancy, and only then does she say that Shawn said so.
Q. Is Billie Dunn a victim of domestic violence, controlled by Shawn, and only covering for him?
A. No. There is likely violence, but she is clearly the leader of the two; the more dominant and confident. Had she only covered for him in fear, when police were involved, she was safe and could have had him arrested on the spot. Had she had no guilt, she would have been able to put Hailey first, but instead has tossed aside her son, and even lied to police for Shawn.
Q. Why has there been no arrests for child pornography?
A. I don't know, but can speculate:
Computer post mortem forensics can take up to 6 months for some states.
3 counties are involved with jurisdiction and may have some debates.
It may have been turned over to the federal prosecutors which may warrant a 'do-over' mentality of fact gather.
It should not be misinterpreted as failure.
Q. Do police have other evidence?
A. They may, but have not said so.
They may have blood evidence, as well as found evidence in the vehicle he drove. They certainly have circumstantial evidence and have spoken to people who have used drugs with both Persons of Interest and have gotten valuable information about what went on during drug parties.
Q. Did Billie Dunn fail her polygraph because she was informed of Shawn's failed test?
A. No. She failed because she was deceptive. Even emotional discomfort about Shawn would have to take a back seat to emotional discomfort that her daughter had been missing all this time.
She failed about:
What happened to Hailey
Where Hailey could be found.
Those who conducted the interviews did not need the polygraph to tell them anything; they knew from the interview. It was confirmed, first by Adkins' balking at the test, and then later not showing, and still when Billie Dunn and Adkins showed up under the influence: they both had a need to deceive police about the disappearance of Hailey Dunn. But the polygraph did confirm what police already knew:
That not only did Billie Dunn know exactly what happened to Hailey, but that she has drained resources and emotions of kind hearted people and could have, in a moment's notice, put an end to the search. For her, every day Hailey is not found "is a good day."
Q. Was she not allowed to search?
A. No. There are no laws prohibiting anyone from searching.
Q. Wasn't this a run away case in the beginning?
A. No, they knew from the first interview that she and Shawn had something to hide.
Q. Do you think there will be arrests?
A. Yes. Those involved are dedicated professionals on their own time table and will do what is right in justice for Hailey.
Q. What do the cell phone pings mean to this case?
A. The cell phone pings will be critical circumstantial evidence that may be presented to a Grand Jury in a homicide case. The cell phone records likely show:
--Shawn Adkins was not where he said he was, but had returned home and was hiding the body (or parts of the body) while Billie stayed at work;
--contact linking Billie Dunn (at work) and Adkins (on cell) which may be presented as "conspiracy" charges for murder are presented.
Q. Why hasn't main stream media reported that they are "the only two" Persons of Interest?
A. I don't know, but perhaps they do not wish to have an adversarial relationship with Billie, especially, who in the beginning, was able to pick and choose who she would talk to. They also may have been jealous that "Bring Them Home Now" was able to get information when they, main stream media, could not. MSM has not shown investigative journalism in this case.
Q. Will Hailey ever be found?
A. I believe so.
Sometimes it takes longer to locate remains, even years, than we all would like, but I think her remains will be found eventually. The hot weather and wild life are taking their toll upon her remains but eventually she will be laid to rest in the dignity she deserves.
Q. Why does the family fight on the social networking sites?
A. There are lots of issues in any family but especially those that involved in drugs are particularly sensitive and where there is wide spread drug use we often find many mental health issues in crisis. Once the element of money was introduced, factions began. This started with donations and soon the fighting began, even to the claim that "hope" for Hailey came to be synonymous with Hailey being "alive"; and, subsequently, in need of money. Envy over attention is a powerful motivator as well as the love of drama. One such drama claimed that Hailey was alive and watching the internet fighting; refusing to come home until they stopped. In short order, this case had seen merchandising, deception, as well as drugs, arrests, and dirty laundry being aired for the world to see. The feeling of being obscure is unpleasant for anyone, but where there is heightened attention, its drawing power can cause some to attack others, wanting to be the "one" whom others seek out for information. The desire to be "important" seemed to cause much conflict for those in, or near the family.
Q. What is next in the investigation?
A. Only police can answer this question, but my guess is (and has been) that we will hear what will feel like sudden news about arrest warrants regarding the child pornography possession.
Q. If Shawn Adkins is arrested for child pornography, will he give up Hailey's remains?
A. I believe so; as it is my hope.
If his family can reach him, he will likely give up what happened to Hailey and where her remains can be located, in exchange for a shorter prison sentence. Adkins is a fearful man, terribly immature, and will need protection in prison, in spite of his size. My guess is that his family has tried to get the information from him, but he chooses Billie's advice to stick it out, over their advice to save his life with a plea bargain.
Ultimately, when arrested for child pornography, one is going to turn on the other. It is the way of addicts. They put their need for the next high above all others' needs in life. They are inherently selfish and can be counted upon to have a "me first" attitude, even when making a deal.
Many have noticed how narcissistic Billie Jean has been in her statements, focused upon herself, even to the point of having to be pushed into making a public address "to" Hailey. She has talked about her bills, her needs, seeing Shawn, answering questions for him, her reputation, rumors, and so on; for her, it is all about herself and has never been about Hailey.
Lost in it all was the one who should have been the focus: Hailey.
Statement Analysis only showed what the police had already known, first from their interviews, and then from the polygraph, and later by behavioral analysis.
Shawn Adkins and Billie Dunn continue to remain together, even though he had cheated on her, and she had sent sexually explicit messages to a married man. Recently seen buying new cell phones and staying at a Super 8 type motel, the local eyes remain on them and they remain together. They have a powerful bond that has stitched them together, but will eventually tear because of what it is made of.
It consists of guilt.
The scenario above is one that can explain the low affect and the lack of grieving by the mother. She had manipulated many in the public, initially, but not law enforcement, and as time passed, she continued to speak to media and it was that each statement cost her more and more supporters to the point now where it is difficult to find any reasonably thinking person who defends her.
Adkins appears less talented in deception and presentation with hardly any supporting him in the beginning, though there will always be 'groupies' who will offer to meet with him, just like those who send love letters to Amanda Knox or Casey Anthony, or those who send marriage proposals to Charles Manson, in prison.
My theory is this:
Hailey Dunn died in a drug fueled sexual homicide, where both Shawn Adkins and Billie Jean Dunn are responsible for her death, and for the hiding of her remains.
This is only a theory and an opinion and we must await the legal outcome of the case, judged by a court of law as the Persons of Interest are afforded judicial status of innocence until proven guilty.
To date, they remain the only two Persons of Interest, and no one has been charged in the criminal investigation.
I believe justice for Hailey Dunn is coming.
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