Wednesday, June 29, 2011

“Your Sister Needs a Dog Collar” and More Pretty Little Liars Quotes From Season 2, Episode 3: “My Name is Trouble”

Pretty Little Liars proves that anyone can lie, but it takes practice to do it with style. We've rounded up the best quotes from Season 2, Episode 3: “My Name is Trouble,” including Hanna talking about people’s asses.

10. Spencer: “You stole this?”

Hanna: “No — it’s a sample.”

Who is Hanna’s legal advisor? Lindsay Lohan?

9. Alison: “Jason doesn’t have friends. He has idiots who use him to get wasted and act like Animal Planet.”

Let’s just hope they keep the feces-throwing to a minimum.

8. Hanna: [about Emily’s forgery skills] “You are totally getting me into Harvard.”

Hanna, it’s time to face facts: Not even a letter of recommendation from Obama could get you into Harvard.

7. Spencer: [on whether Jason’s sober] “I never asked him for a urine sample.”

Well, at least we know she’s classy.

6. Hanna: [to Aria, about pottery class] “I hope your first assignment is how to make a weapon.”

Considering how close Hanna has come to landing in the slammer, it might not be a bad idea for Aria to make Hanna her very own shiv.

5. Tom Marin: “If [Isabel] had her way, we’d be renting out Veterans’ Stadium.”

Most guys would only agree to a wedding at a football stadium if it meant cheerleaders at the bachelor party.

4. Melissa: “One of the perks of pregnancy — none of your shoes fit, and your fingers turn into sausages.”

In Melissa’s case, your husband also turns out to be a homicidal maniac!

3. Emily: “[My mom] keeps telling me how much I’m gonna like the rodeo.”

The only good thing about a rodeo? Cowboys in tight pants, as far as the eye can see.

2. Lucas: “According to your pal Mona, I’m right below the kid who blows his nose on notebook paper.”

Ew.. Never borrow that kid’s notes.

1. Hanna: [to Spencer] “Your sister needs one of those dog collars — you know, one of those that zap your ass whenever you leave the property.”

Hanna doesn’t seem to realize that some people pay a lot of money to get zapped on the ass every now and then.

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